Core tip: Barbell press behind the neck, it’s time to pay attention to this action in your shoulder training plan.

Arnold didn't like to do too much behind-the-neck barbell presses in his heyday because as the weight and reps increased, the behind-the-neck barbell press became more dangerous than the front-of-the-neck barbell press. However, Arnold believes this can be used as a backup move to change up your training to keep your shoulder training competitive.
Arnold also agrees that the behind-the-neck barbell press is very effective. Instead of this training, more attention should be paid to safety and movement standards. Be cautious when doing behind-the-neck barbell presses, and keep a tight grip on the barbell to keep your muscles contracted, even when using light weights.
You should pay attention when doing this action today. It is best to do it while looking in the mirror. You will see the entire process of exercise.
Day 40: Shoulder, hand, and abdominal exercises (exhaustion method)
1 to 10 exhaustion methods:
After warming up, find the only weight you can lift once and do one set, then find the weight you can lift twice and do one set, then find the weight you can lift three times and do one set, and so on until you can lift ten Do a set of 100 times of weight. This is a very cruel method with no rest in between. The only time you take a break is when you put down the equipment. I like this technique best, it has a huge impact on the muscles!
Standing behind-the-neck barbell shoulder press: 10 groups, 4 times each, rest for 45 seconds.
Super group (A+B):
A, Arnold press: 5 sets, 8 times each.
B , Dumbbell lateral raises: 5 groups, 8 times each.
Super group (A+B):
A,Standing dumbbell raise: 5 groups, 6 times each.
B,Seated bent-over dumbbell flyes: 5 sets of 12 reps each.
Biceps: strong>
span>Barbell curl: 8 groups, the first 5 groups are 8 times each, and the last 3 groups are 5 times each.
Super group (A+B):
A,Dumbbell concentration curl: 5 groups, 6 times each.
B,Seated dumbbell curl: 5 groups, 6 times each.
Triceps: strong>
Narrow grip barbell bench press: Use the 1-10 failure training method.
Super group (A+B):
A,Triceps press down : 5 groups, 15 times each.
B, Straight-arm dumbbell overhead raise: 3 groups, 12 times each.
Super group (A+B):
A, Overhand wrist curl: 5 groups, 12 times in each group. Rest for 45 seconds
B, Reverse grip wrist curl: 5 groups, 12 times in each group. Rest for 45 seconds
Abdomen :
Sit-ups: 5 groups, 25 times each. Rest for 45 seconds