Rules you should pay attention to when training for bodybuilding and muscle gain

Muscle-building trainers should note: the muscle recovery period is 48 to 72 hours, so continuing to exercise the same muscle before the muscle has fully recovered is ineffective. On the contrary, it will affect the exercise effect. Generally, when large muscles are exercised, small muscles are involved in the exercise. In this case, the best effect is to exercise the muscles involved in the exercise on the same day. The number of groups and rep requirements are: 3 to 4 groups, 6 to 10RM, 3 to 4 movements for large muscles, and 2 to 3 groups, 8 to 12RM, and 2 to 3 movements for small muscles. Large muscles include: chest muscles, latissimus dorsi, abdominal muscles, and legs. At the beginning of training, it is necessary to appropriately reduce the weight and increase the amount.

"RM" is the abbreviation of "repetition maximum" in English, and its Chinese translation is "maximum repetition value". For example, "6~12RM" expresses "a weight that can be repeated up to 6~12 times." For example, the training plan is: 3 to 4 groups of dumbbell single-arm curls, 6 to 8 RM. The explanation is: Use a 10kg dumbbell to perform single-arm curling exercises. You can only do 6 to 8 consecutive curling times as a set with all your strength. Do 3 sets of this weight and number in a row. You can rest for 60 to 90 seconds between each group of normal training. This 10 kilograms is the weight of 6 to 8 RM for this movement. If fat loss is the purpose of fitness, the weight of such movements should be reduced so that the amount can reach 20 to 30 RM. This is how the specified load weight that varies from person to person is generally expressed in the training plan.

In bodybuilding, load intensity is a very important training factor. 1 to 4 reps mainly increase absolute muscle strength and physical strength, 6 to 12 reps mainly increase muscle circumference, and 16 to 20 reps mainly develop small muscle groups and enhance muscle mass. Muscle line elasticity, more than 25 times are mainly used to reduce fat, enhance cardiopulmonary function, fitness and shaping, etc.