Bodybuilding lady’s hot fitness plan

How did you start working out?

I fell in love with training when I was 18 years old. When I saw a magazine, I wanted to look like the people in the magazine. I started training from then on until now

Training plan

Monday: Shoulders, Abs, Aerobics

  • Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press 4×10
  • Dumbbell lateral raise 3×12
  • Reverse Fly 3×12
  • Sit-ups
  • 20 minutes of variable speed running (2 minutes of brisk running, 1 minute of walking)
  • Jump rope for 15 minutes

Tuesday: Legs

  • Squat 4×10
  • Hack Squat 3×12
  • Lunges 3×12
  • Prone leg curl 3×12
  • Standing calf raise 4×10

Wednesday: Aerobics, abdominals

  • 35 minutes step machine
  • 15 minutes of skipping
  • 20 minutes of variable speed running (2 minutes of brisk running, 1 minute of walking)
  • Sit-ups

Thursday: Aerobics

  • 60 minutes of running at variable speeds (2 minutes running, 1 minute walking)

Friday: Front, biceps

  • Front neck pull-down 4×10
  • Seated row 3×12
  • Latissimus dorsi tensioner 4×10
  • Bent-over dumbbell single-arm row 3×12
  • Preacher chair curl 4×10
  • Incline dumbbell alternating curl 3×12

Saturday: Aerobics, abdominals

  • 1 hour variable speed run with kettlebell exercises
  • Sit-ups


  • Rest

If you had to pick only 3 exercises, what would they be and why?

Squats: They build your leg muscles, increase your jump, strengthen your back and burn heaps of calories.

Lunge: Speed ​​up the lower body and target the buttocks

Standing and lying jumps: a very powerful challenge.


•Meal 1: 5 egg whites, 1 cup oatmeal or rice noodles

•Meal 2: 5 ounces chicken or fish, 1 cup rice and vegetables

•Meal 3: 4 ounces of chicken or turkey and vegetables

•Meal 4: 6 ounces of chicken or fish, 1 cup rice and vegetables

•Meal 5: 4 ounces of fish and vegetables

•Meal 6: 5 egg whites

Using exercise supplements?

Whey protein powder, vitamins.

If you are not sure about the above exercises, you can refer to other exercises on the muscle network, and you can apply them to any part of the body.