In this article you will learn tips for runners knee.
Runners knee is also known as patellofemoral pain syndrome and it isn’t specific to runners but that term helps identify what the injury is. It is an overdue injury that occurs from repetitive high stress exercises like lunges etc. It can also occur from a direct hit to thew knee, your bones aren’t lined up, weak or unbalanced muscles in your quadriceps.
Symptoms include pain when squatting, bending your knee or gets worse when walking down stairs.
Below are some of the preventative tips for runners knee
????Keep your thigh muscles strong and limber with regular exercise.
???? Use shoe inserts if you have problems that may lead to runner's knee.
???? Make sure your shoes have enough support.
???? Try not to run on hard surfaces, like concrete.
???? Stay in shape and keep a healthy weight.
???? Warm up before you work out.
Below are treatment tips for runners knee:
???? Rest.
???? Ice and heat accordingly.
???? Wrap your knee with a tensor compression bandage.
???? Elevate your knee to reduce swelling.
???? Use NSAIDs like Advil etc.
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