Do you often feel that your target muscle groups are not being stimulated enough? The target muscle group cannot reach failure every time you train. Try adding the following training methods to fully stimulate the target muscle group.
This is a weight loss program that you do after you fail. A study from Wade Research shows: When target trainers decrease At 20%-30% of their weight, they can continue to complete almost the same number of reps as they did on the front muscle to failure (10 reps) (lower the weight 20% for 9 reps, lower the weight 30% for 11 reps) Repeat)
The number of repetitions completed per drop set is important in targeting both growth hormone secretion and mechanical stimulation to induce muscle growth. Too few reps won't increase growth hormone levels to a high enough level, while too many reps means the training isn't resisting enough to put enough weight on the muscles and encourage muscle growth. So make sure to reduce the load by 20%-30% to maintain your Rep range for maximum training effectiveness.
Shoulder drop set training plan: action Number of sets/reps rest dumbbell press 4/8-10 30 seconds-1 minute Shoulder machine press 3/12-15 1 minuteDumbbell lateral raise 4/10-12 30 seconds-1 minute butterfly machine reverse fly 3/12-15 1 minuteAdd 1-2 drop sets to the last 1-2 sets of each movement. Note that this training is a formal set and does not include a warm-up set.
For example, dumbbell press: the first set is 8RM=20kg dumbbell, the second set is the same number of times, the third set is 10RM=17.5kg, and so on, the weight is reduced and the number of times is increased.
2. Extended set (triple set) training p>
This technique refers to a training method in which when you are exhausted, you continue to do other easier forms of the action to allow yourself to continue beyond failure. You can change the posture of the body to make the body in a better position than the previous one. Strong biomechanical positioning so you can continue training using the same weight.
How to apply extended set techniques to dumbbell incline press training :
After you perform the incline press to muscle failure, immediately perform the bench press. Once you have reached failure on the bench press, proceed directly to the decline bench press, where you will perform it to failure. It should be noted that you must have a friend by your side for protection, especially when doing this type of training.
Chest extension group training plan: action Number of sets/reps RM rest Extended group Dumbbell incline press 3/10-12 – Dumbbell bench press 3/Exhaustion – Dumbbell incline press 3/Exhaustion 2-3 minutesExtended group Dumbbell incline fly 3/10-15 – Dumbbell flat fly 3/Exhaustion – Dumbbell incline fly 3/Exhaustion 2-3 minutes
For example: upslope + flat + downslope is a long group, done Rest for 2-3 minutes after a long set
Prerequisite: You must have weight-bearing training for more than 6 months, or you should have a good foundation in bodybuilding. Otherwise, these high-intensity training techniques can have negative consequences on your body.
3. StrongForced group training
Compared to the previous two workouts, forced sets make it easier to train beyond failure. You just need to ask a partner to help you do 2-4 more repetitions when you train to failure. Research from Finland shows: and when you stand straight at muscle failure Compared with regular training, forced rep training can make your growth hormone levels higher and allow more fast-twitch muscle fibers to participate in exercise. Over time, this leads to greater muscle hypertrophy.
The key to this technique is the extent to which your training partner helps you when you reach failure. If it provides too little help, then you won't be able to complete the number of forced reps necessary to stimulate muscle growth. If it provides too much help, your reps will become easier and the muscles will not be effectively loaded. The helper should be like this: when you reach the peak of your action, give it to you Just enough help to get you through and still allow you to complete the main training tasks on your own.
Biceps forced rep training plan: action Number of sets/reps rest barbell curl 4/8-10 1 minute Dumbbell bench press 3/8-10 1 minute Curved bar arm curl 3/10-12 1 minuteDumbbell concentration curl 3/10-15 1 minuteUsually in the last 3-4 movements of the last 1-2 groups, the assistance of a friend will be more effective.
4. Passive rep training
When you train to failure, immediately ask your friends to help You complete the active phase of the repetition and continue with the all-important slow work on the passive phase of the movement. 3-5 seconds. Then ask your partner to help you lift the weight again. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times.
Although you will need a partner to assist you with passive rep technique for most exercises, you can also perform passive rep exercises on your own by using unilateral movements (similar to forced rep training) when training alone. Use your non-working hand or leg to help yourself through the active phase of the repetition.
Passive rep techniques work best when used at the end of a training set of 10 reps or less. Not only will lighter weight reps make passive reps too easy, it will also make your workouts suffer from a lack of adequate Mechanical stimulation cannot promote muscle growth
Chest passive rep training plan: action Number of sets/reps rest barbell bench press 4/6-8 1 minute Dumbbell incline press 4/8-10 1-2 minutes Dumbbell incline fly 4/12-15 1-2 minutes butterfly machine or instrument flying bird 4/8-10 1-2 minutesFor example, in the barbell bench press, you may face exhaustion in the last few times of the last two groups. At this time, your partner will help you perform concentric movements, which are pushing movements. What you need to do is to control the speed of the eccentric movements slowly and slowly. of the chest.
5. Partial rep training
When you reach muscular failure on the last repetition of an exercise, it's because you can't move the weight past the sticking point. This sticking point is usually only a small distance along the entire movement, and you have not yet reached failure in the area beyond the sticking point. Therefore, if you want to continue beyond the point of failure, you have to shorten your stroke to avoid the sticking point and continue training during part of the stroke.
Back partial rep training plan: action Number of sets/reps rest pull-ups 3/Exhaustion 2-3 minutes One-arm dumbbell row 3/8-10 1-2 minutes high pull down 3/10-12 1-2 minutes straight arm pull down 3/12-15 1-2 minutes seated rope row 3/10-15For example, in a lat pulldown, your weakest point should be where the bar is close to your chest. Therefore, when you can no longer bring the bar close to and touch your upper chest, you can continue the movement halfway, but keep the bar as close to your chest as possible. Your movement range will gradually shorten until you can move again. Nor can you pull the horizontal bar a few centimeters away, stop the action. At this point you will reach complete muscular failure.
1-2 minutes
6. Pause and rest training
The idea behind the name is that when you are exhausted, take a short rest and then continue this set of training. Generally we believe that When muscles fail, it is because they can no longer Produces enough energy for muscle contraction. After just a short 15-second rest, your muscles will regain the energy to do a few more reps without the need to reduce the weight.
Leg Rest-Pause Training Plan: action Number of sets/reps rest barbell squat 4/8-10 2-3 minutes leg press 4/10-12 2-3 minutes Leg flexion and extension 4/12-15 1-2 minutes Romanian deadlift 4/8-10 2-3 minutes leg curl 4/12-15Take the squat for example, after you fail. Hang the barbell on the squat rack, rest for 15 seconds, then pick up the barbell again and continue squatting to failure again. This routine will be repeated 2-3 times for each set of rest-pause training. Much like partial reps, you can use this technique with any movement. However, for movements like the bench press and squat, you should have a training partner by your side who can keep you safe when you reach failure.
1-2 minutes
You can perform rest-pause training in the last two sets of actions 1, 3, and 5 above.